Medicines and Vaccines Part 3: Is it the Water or the Vaccines?

In this last part of our medicines and vaccines series, we’re going to talk about how vaccines work and how we know they do. I know that vaccines are a contentious topic and I want to start by acknowledging that sometimes delaying or forgoing a vaccine is the evidence-based decision. If someone is pregnant, they shouldn’t have the varicella (chickenpox) vaccine. A child with leukemia probably shouldn’t get the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Those conditions which make vaccines temporarily or permanently unsafe for an individual are, thankfully, very, very rare. For most humans, following the CDC vaccine schedule is safe and will provide both them and their contacts with protection against those diseases.

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Vaccine Hesitancy: A Case for Compassion

The purpose of writing this isn’t to shame parents who are vaccine hesitant or vaccine resistant or even to convince you with data. The purpose isn't to make anyone feel like they don't love their children enough or somehow aren't smart enough to be parents. Or, honestly, to make you think that I think those things. The point of writing this is to speak to the parents who are frustrated and frightened by the declining immunisation rates in places like Vashon Island in Washington State, who are worried when they see a notice come home that there’s been an outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease in their child’s school. It’s scary for parents whose children are potentially exposed and school exclusions, while effective, can cause frustration in affected communities. 

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