Love in the Time of COVID

It feels like so long and yet somehow also no time at all. As we think about navigating social connections—like dating—this new landscape, I want to share a little about some conversations I had with my new friend Missy Modell—the genius behind such internet classics as that Dr. Fauci song love song.

Last week, Missy had made a comment in an instagram story about wanting to continue wearing her mask and I shared that I’m still wearing mine too. As we kept chatting, I drew a parallel between establishing boundaries during sex and establishing boundaries with meeting up during COVID. Missy loved the idea and suggested we have an instagram live to talk about it more. If you’re interested, you can watch it here. We cover a lot of ground, including this similarity between healthy communication while Normal Human Dating and healthy communication navigating social connections in a pandemic.

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We Live in Each Other’s Shadow: Social Distancing is Our Social Responsibility

As you may know, a new coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2 has been spreading, causing a disease that epidemiologists have named COVID-19. The disease is new (so the majority of people aren’t immune), spreads easily from person-to-person, and can cause severe illness in the elderly and medically fragile. The spread of the disease to so many people in so many places has led the World Health Organisation to declare the spread COVID-19 a pandemic.

The situation is very, very serious, but there are lots of steps you can be taking to keep yourself healthy. At this stage, Public Health is also needing us to keep our communities healthy through actions we call “social distancing.”

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